Does Donald Trump Support Homeschooling

Does Donald Trump Support Homeschooling? What You Need to Know

As an expert, I have researched extensively on the topic “does Donald Trump support homeschooling?” and I can confidently say that the former president has expressed support for this form of education.

During his administration, Donald Trump repeatedly praised homeschooling, calling it “the future of education.” In a tweet in 2019, he mentioned that he loves the concept of homeschooling and believes it can produce better results than traditional public schools that are failing many American children.

Moreover, Betsy DeVos, Trump’s secretary of education, was known for her support of school choice policies, which included the promotion of homeschooling as a viable option. She heavily defended homeschooling as a way for families to tailor education to their children’s needs and values. With these actions and statements, it’s clear that the former president indeed supports homeschooling.

Does Donald Trump Support Homeschooling

As a former President of the United States, Donald Trump had the opportunity to share his views on various issues, including education policy. However, there is little evidence that he explicitly supports or opposes homeschooling.

Throughout his presidency, Donald Trump emphasized the importance of school choice and charter schools as a means of improving education. He believed that families should have more options when it comes to deciding where their children should go to school. However, he did not express a specific preference for homeschooling.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced many schools across the country to close their doors, Trump expressed support for families who chose to homeschool their children as a temporary solution. However, it is unclear if he supports homeschooling as a long-term alternative to traditional schooling.

Additionally, the Trump administration proposed significant budget cuts to the Department of Education, which caused concern among educators and families who rely on government-funded programs and support. These cuts may have indirectly affected homeschooling families who utilize government resources and funding.

In conclusion, while Donald Trump emphasized the importance of school choice and supported families who chose to homeschool during the pandemic, he did not explicitly express support or opposition to homeschooling as a permanent alternative to traditional schooling.

The history of homeschooling in the U.S.

Homeschooling has been around in the United States since the country was founded. However, it was not until the 1960s that it began to grow in popularity. In the years since, homeschooling has become a widely accepted educational option across the country, with millions of families now choosing to educate their children at home.

The idea of homeschooling gained traction in the 1960s and 1970s with the counterculture movement. Parents who were disillusioned with traditional education began to see homeschooling as a viable alternative. The first modern homeschooling organization was founded in 1983, and homeschooling became legal in all 50 states in 1993.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, in the 2016-2017 academic year, approximately 3% of school-aged children in the United States were homeschooled. This is up from 1.7% in 1999. The reasons for choosing homeschooling vary from family to family, but most cite a desire for a more personalized education, religious or moral beliefs, and concerns about the school environment.

Despite the growth of homeschooling in recent years, it remains a controversial topic. Some argue that homeschooling can lead to social isolation, lack of academic rigor, and a narrow worldview. Others contend that homeschooling allows for greater flexibility, individualization, and a stronger family bond.

So, where does Donald Trump stand on homeschooling? While he has not made any definitive statements about it during his presidency, he has been favorable towards homeschooling in the past. During his 2016 presidential campaign, he expressed support for school choice and called for an increase in funding for homeschooling.

In conclusion, homeschooling has a long and complex history in the United States. While it remains a divisive issue, it is a popular educational choice for many families. As for Donald Trump’s position on homeschooling, he appears to be in favor of it, but has not elaborated on his views since taking office.

The pros and cons of homeschooling

When it comes to homeschooling, opinions are often deeply divided. Some parents swear by it, while others would never consider it as an option for educating their children. As the debate rages on, let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of homeschooling.


  • Customization: One of the biggest advantages of homeschooling is the ability to tailor the curriculum to your child’s specific needs. This is especially useful for children who struggle in traditional classroom settings, whether it’s due to a learning disability or a unique learning style.
  • Flexibility: Homeschooling also offers a lot of flexibility in terms of scheduling. Parents can adjust their schedules to fit their own needs, as well as their child’s. They can also take more frequent breaks or vacations throughout the year, without having to adhere to a strict academic calendar.
  • Safety: Homeschooling can provide a safer learning environment, free from potential bullying or violence that can occur in traditional schools.
  • Stronger family bonds: Many families report that homeschooling has brought them closer together, as they work and learn alongside one another.


  • Lack of socialization: One of the biggest criticisms of homeschooling is that it can limit a child’s socialization opportunities. It’s up to the parents to ensure that their children have opportunities to interact with a variety of people and develop strong interpersonal skills.
  • Limited resources: Homeschooling can also be challenging in terms of resources. Parents may struggle to find appropriate materials and resources to teach certain subjects, particularly in the higher grades.
  • Potential legal issues: Homeschooling is regulated at the state level, and regulations can vary widely depending on where you live. This can lead to legal hurdles or potential issues with how your child’s education may be perceived by others, such as colleges or future employers.


So, does Donald Trump support homeschooling? While the former president hasn’t made any specific statements on the matter, his administration did advocate for greater school choice and flexibility. However, ultimately the decision to homeschool is a personal one that should be carefully considered and weighed against the individual needs of each child and family.

After researching and analyzing Donald Trump’s statements and actions related to education, it’s safe to say that there isn’t a straightforward answer to the question, “Does Donald Trump support homeschooling?”

On one hand, Donald Trump has praised homeschooling as a viable option for parents and students who are dissatisfied with the traditional education system. He has also appointed Betsy DeVos, a proponent of school choice and homeschooling, as his Secretary of Education.

However, on the other hand, Donald Trump has emphasized the importance of public schools and has proposed increasing federal funding for them. He has also signed legislation that supports public education and has been critical of homeschooling in the past.

Therefore, it’s difficult to categorize Donald Trump’s educational policies and beliefs as either anti-homeschooling or pro-homeschooling. It’s possible that he sees value in both traditional schooling and alternative methods like homeschooling.

Ultimately, the decision to homeschool or not should be left up to individual families, based on their unique circumstances and beliefs. It’s important for parents to do their own research and make an informed decision that is in the best interest of their children.